Funke’s Auto Sales started as a detailing business in 1958 by Bernard and Millie Funke. At that time it was known as Funke’s Auto Renovation.

In 1964, the business moved to its present address of 405 3rd Street in Clarkston, WA. When Bernard retired in 1987, his son Craig (who started working with his father when he was 12 years old) took over the business. In 1996, Craig added Auto Sales to the existing detailing/renovation business. His brother, Dale, joined the business in 2000.
Funke’s Auto Sales considers their primary business Auto Sales (which includes auto consignments) but many consider their detailing business the best in the area. Detailing is provided for individuals and other auto dealerships.
Funke’s Auto Sales has built their well-established business on honesty, quality, friendliness, and care of its customers. Please stop by and introduce yourselves to Craig and Dale.
Dale lost his life to cancer on December 16, 2020

Dale Funke joined our heavenly father Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2020, after a progressive battle with metastatic melanoma. Dale was a man with unshakable convictions. He was brave, passionate, and faithful. His laugh was contagious.
He was born Aug. 7, 1968, to Bernard and Mildred Funke. He grew up and stayed in the Lewiston-Clarkston Valley. He was the youngest of four siblings. Dale had an unquestionable love for family.
Dale attended Holy Family Catholic School until he began high school in 1984. He graduated high school in 1987. Many of Dale’s lifelong friendships began at Holy Family Catholic School. He was a great friend to many. Friendships were a huge part of who he was.
With Dale there was never a lack of fun. He enjoyed life to the fullest. He was an avid collector of vintage license plates and vintage metal signs. His family and friends would agree that he was one of a kind. If you knew Dale, he made your life a little better. He loved to share a drink in a red Solo Cup and share stories. He was known for saying, “I’m gonna tell you something.” The stories were endless. Growing up in a time that Dale and many other friends could ride BMX bikes from dawn until dusk are some of Dale’s most treasured memories. Younger Dale was also an avid log roller. This was a sport he learned and excelled at with mentor, Roy Bartlett.

After graduating high school, Dale used his family inspired knowledge of auto detailing to work at Rogers Motors. He remained employed there until 1998. That year was a momentous year for Dale. Dale left Rogers Motors to purchase the family business with his brother, Craig Funke. Bernard and Millie were ready to enjoy retirement. Dale and his brother, Craig, have worked side by side ever since. During these years, many lifelong customers and friends were made. Dale was a hard worker, often the first one up and the last one to bed.
Dale had a lifelong passion for buying and restoring cars and trucks that he could enjoy. This was something all the Funke men and many friends loved and could enjoy together. Dale was very proud of many cars and trucks he restored over the years.
Also in 1998, Dale and his high school sweetheart, Shannon, were married. This year, they celebrated their 22nd wedding anniversary. 2006 brought along the addition of daughter Meghann. Dale was a devoted husband and father. He enjoyed fatherhood with the same passion he had for life. He loved being Meghann’s dad. Dale was so concerned for Shannon and Meghann as he fought his disease. For Dale, Shannon and Meghann always came first.
As Meghann became school-aged, Dale reconnected with his roots at Holy Family Catholic School. He became avidly involved as a member of the school advisory board, annual auction planning committee and various other roles. He was very fervent about the value of faith and the role of Catholic education.
Dale is survived by his wife and daughter, Shannon and Meghann Funke, both of Clarkston; sister Bonnie (Jerry) Wilfong, of Lewiston; brothers David (Lynne) Funke and Craig (Peggy) Funke, both of Clarkston; nephew Richard (Trisha) Wilfong, of Oregon; niece Denise (Matt) White, of Lewiston; nephew Kyle (Carrie) Funke, of Spokane; nephew Andrew Funke, of Clarkston; and many aunts, uncles and cousins. He was preceded in death by his parents, Bernard and Mildred Funke.
Dale had a lot of life left to live, but this was not in God’s plan. We will never forget his impassioned love of life, family and friends. Dale, you are forever loved. Until we meet again.